The most important thing is to watch the video examples
The Quality of the work, mostly lack of, is going to vary tremendously from company to company. More than 40% of my Business this year, was redoing other companies work from all over the country. I show “Before & After” video examples of other companies work that their customers were not at all happy with.
A little at a time
Getting your 8mm 16mm Films Transferred Little at a time is the best way to do this. Do not send or drop off ALL your films to anybody! How do you know what it’s going to look like? Many people make this mistake, thinking it’s all the same.
How my film transfer process differs from other companies
My Restoration service uses this type of equipment pictured here. Old Film Projectors are not used in my process, though most other companies do. I do not project in any way and is not videotaped in any way. Most other companies do. Camcorders are not used in my process, no screens, no transfer boxes. Most other companies do use these.

We don't know what's on them, we want to look thru them
No need to “go thru them” you’re not going to find a projector or a new bulb and on the slim chance you do, it will damage the films further. Film is much different than video tape today. Film was shot differently do to the Extreme crazy high cost of the film, back in the day. So…it was shot differently, with intent, purpose and a plan ahead of time. The subject matter repeats: Christmas, Easter, Birthday. The small 3′ reels are only 3.5 to 4 minutes long. You could have a Christmas on just one reel or Easter on just one reel, but usually what I have seen for 25 years is Christmas, Easter, Birthday, The Zoo on one 3.5 minute reel…due again to the cost. On Film, there are no Blank spots, no junk and no long winded spots, at all. And you will never have more than one reel per event except Vacation, due to the cost. We have a way, if not labeled, to put Films in order (about 95% Accurate). (no other company does this)
We don't want to mail it, we want to get it done in our town
Location – one of the biggest mistakes It’s not where it’s done, but how it’s done! I keep a copy of your work here in our computer for shipping safety when sent back to you. (no other company does this) There are no “walk-in” shops for “FILM Restoration.” Straight transfer can be found everywhere. All Discount Stores send out. Any store that tells you “4 to 6 week turnaround time,” you know it’s being sent out. This is not a Chain…there is only one location serving all of the U.S., Canada & parts of Europe for 25 years from Texas. You’re not going to find the type of service that we provide Locally. About the “MAIL.” Well, who uses the mail anymore any way. We use FedEx, 25 year never a problem. It’s not where it’s done, but how it’s done! This is why the films are still in your house…you want to get it done in your town…and there is no one there to do it. Many people get it done in their town not caring what it is going to look like. So, get it done in your town… this will be your “Rough Draft” then you can send off and get it done right. Watch the videos… the “before” is what you’re going to get… only I do the “after” results. Shipping all over the World by FedEx for 25 years, never a problem
FILM CONTENT supersedes the Quality of the Image
The biggest smoke and mirrors trick of all by the Transfer Businesses is “Film Content” Film Content (your past on relatives, faces, places, from your past) supersedes the Quality of the Image- It’s an…EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER…when your family films are transferred by your local camera shop, discount store, whoever, the store knows very well that as soon as you see the first frame of your past on relatives you’re not going to care at all what this looks like (quality of the image) YOUR just looking at the Content. You won’t notice the: out of focus, off color, flickering, too dark, too light, burn spots, fuzzy, hair, dust, scratchers, sped up keystone jittery image, etc. AS YOU SEE IN THE “before” in the Before & After Examples, this is the biggest smoke and mirrors trick of all, by the Transfer Businesses. ON THE OTHER HAND. When we do film restoration for a TV station or cable companies they send films to us, we return to them . There will be several Editors and technicians in the room watching the Quality of the work we did. Not them looking at the content.
How do I tell the condition of the film?
“My films are in pristine condition…we haven’t opened the cans in 70 years!” Well, when Films are in the metal cans that’s one of the worst places they can be stored. I know, because I worked at NASA and at a Burbank CA. Hollywood studio, and that’s not how films are stored. The films rot over time because the bad gases built up and no fresh air circulates. Open cans and inspect. Send photos to us. Film needs to be smooth, flat, pliable…NOT hard, fused together, twisted, warped, brittle, smell. Films will smell like strong vinegar as they deteriorate over time. Iimportant note: No other company is going to touch films that have any kind of damage because they run them thru a projector to “transfer” them. I DO NOT use old projectors and video off screen with camcorder. Straight Transfer companies & discount stores do. I Offer a 100% money back guaranteed that we can restore your films to look and sound better than any other company in the WORLD!
Do I get my film back?
Yes, in better condition – cleaned, repaired splices.
Do you use a Projector and a camcorder and some type of transfer box to do the transfer?
NO…that’s why the Before & After videos look so different. The “Before” is Other companies work that people were not happy with. See DEMOS @